Tanya Cooper
1. If elected or re-elected to the city council, will you propose programs and/or initiatives to limit the number of arrests for minor offenses in the city?



I would propose programs and/or initiatives to limit the number of arrests for minor offenses because I don't believe children should be arrested period. I believe we should establish programs to assist families so children can understand the importance of becoming educated and abiding by the law. Everyone makes mistakes and I think children are not mature. enough to understand the seriousness of committing a crime.

2. If elected or re-elected to the city council, will you support a pre-booking diversion program for drug-related offenses and for those suffering from mental health issues?



I think all citizens should be allowed a pre-booking hearing or a diversion program regardless if its drug-related or those suffering from mental health issues because some citizens may be innocent, that prevents law enforcement from arresting an innocent person without a thorough investigation.

3. If elected or re-elected to the city council, will you support a policy to require transparency and democratic accountability before city agencies acquire new surveillance tools?



4. If elected or re-elected to the city council will you work to make stop and arrest data, including race and ethnicity data, available to the public quarterly?


5. If elected or re-elected to the city council what will you do to ensure a timely, transparent and independent investigation whenever an officer uses deadly force?


I would do everything I could do to ensure a timely, transparent and independent investigation is provided when an officer uses deadly force to protect everyone involved.

6. Name 3 steps you would take as a council member to make the Community Law Enforcement Review Board (CLERB) more effective.


1. To provide a thorough investigation on cases before the grand jury makes a decision.

2. To include family members in the meetings involving a citizens case. Sometimes, when, where and how is important.

3. Getting involved in the process so everyone is treated fairly by reading the discovery and helping with the investigation process.

7. Would you support policies, programs or initiatives to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline?



We need to have an alternative process rather than expelling children from school such as, a boot camp that educate children as well as disciplinary programs.

8. What does criminal justice reform mean to you?


Criminal Justice reform means to abolish certain laws, a fair and thorough investigation before automatically putting citizens in jail, a taped interrogation process including notifying an attorney and family members about an arrest immediately, do not notify the media until a thorough investigation has been provided. Provide updates on family members in jail; such as, health, fights, abuse and disciplinary actions and explanations. A certain amount of free phone calls if the citizen has not been provided a trial within 30 days and a certain amount of hygiene supplies. Have an public defender available for low-income families before interrogations to eliminate an erroneous arrest and prevent spent tax dollars. Provide discovery in a timely manner to the attorney and family members to avoid mistakes and exaggerations, mandatory ballistics, investigation of the victims family members and associates. Dismiss "he said/she said" cases, period.