MEMPHIS: Defending Our Bodies, Defending Our Rights

March 18, 2024 @ 5:30 pm

Join ACLU of Tennessee, OUTMemphis, Tennessee Equality Project and CHOICES on Monday, March 18, for a legislative deep dive on the attacks on LGBTQ+ equality and reproductive justice at the Tennessee General Assembly (TGA), and an advocacy training to discuss how we can use our democratic power to defend our rights.

This legislative session, certain lawmakers are fueling divisions for their own political gain by taking aim at our most personal, private rights to bodily autonomy, attacking our ability to access the healthcare we need, targeting and discriminating against transgender and non-binary Tennesseans, broadening criminal penalties for helping young people in crisis access abortion care, and more.

As politicians introduce bill after bill undermining our ability to make decisions about our bodies and our lives, they are also systematically unraveling our democratic institutions and taking away our freedoms in an effort to prevent people in Shelby County and across the state from challenging their grip on power.

Together we can show politicians that Memphis will not ignore attacks on our bodily autonomy. That's why we need passionate advocates and community members like you to join us and take action to defend our rights and our democracy.