Say NO to DHS Regulations - Email by next Thursday morning (9-25)
Dear ACLU-TN Alert Network:
Instead of striking a careful balance between individual religious liberty and patients’ access to reproductive health care, the Bush administration has taken patients’ rights and their health care needs out of the equation. In late August, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) proposed regulations that could seriously undermine access to basic reproductive health services - including birth control and abortion.
We only have three days left to stop these new rules from being enacted. Click here to voice your opinion.
The rule leaves open the possibility that – based on religious beliefs – health care providers, including hospitals, insurance companies, and pharmacies, could deny women access to birth control. In addition, the rule may permit health care providers to withhold information and counseling about a wide range of health care services, including birth control and abortion.
This far-reaching proposal doesn’t need congressional approval. But, it can’t go forward without allowing for public comment. That’s where you come in.
Tell the Departmen of Health and Human Services to stop efforts to block women's access to basic reproductive health services. Submit your comments now by clicking here.
The public comment period on these insidious regulations is open until September 25.
At a time when more and more Americans are either uninsured or struggling with the soaring costs of health care, the federal government should be expanding access to important health services, not undermining existing protections or interfering in programs that have successfully provided services for years.
Please act right now. The deadline on public comments is Thursday (9-25), and we have to generate intense opposition to these dangerous regulations. After you take action, please forward this email to your friends and family who care about equal access to health care.
Many thanks,
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